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The Paramis: Transforming the Way We Are
Welcome to "The 10 Paramis" course
Who we are is what we are (48:09)
The 10 Paramis
1. Dana - Generosity - The Joy of Giving and Receiving (45:49)
2. Sila - Morality - Integrity as Ground for Inner Peace and Spiritual Progress (76:41)
3. Nekkhamma - Renunciation - Dropping the Baggage and Surrendering to What Is (38:58)
4. Pannya - Wisdom - Seeing the Profound in the Ordinary (45:47)
5. Viriya - Energy - Crossing the Flood without Struggling and without Stopping (41:13)
6. Khanti - Patience - Be still and be timeless (42:52)
7. Sacca - Authenticity - Living for Truth and in Truth (51:06)
8. Adhitthana - Aspiration - Longing for Freedom While Being Free (50:45)
9. Metta - Loving Kindness - The Great Embrace (41:54)
10. Upekkha - Equanimity - Riding the Waves of Change into the Infinite Sea (45:54)
10. Upekkha - Equanimity - Riding the Waves of Change into the Infinite Sea
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